Bar & Bat Mitzvah

At CHS we take a unique approach to Bar/Bat Mitzvah training, regardless of where the celebration and service will be taking place.

Our emphasis in preparing B’nai Mitzvah is to foster an awareness that this milestone is only the beginning of Jewish life.

We achieve this by providing each child the tools necessary to function as a Jew no matter what life brings.

We believe that the most important event in the life of a young person should be more than just rote memorization leading up to an anxiety-ridden recital of the Torah.

Our emphasis is to foster an awareness that this milestone is only the beginning of Jewish life and help attain a greater appreciation of a Jewish adult's responsibilities.

Regardless of where the celebration and service are being held, private tutoring, arranged to accommodate today's demanding lifestyle, is available upon request to help you prepare for this special day.


As your child approaches the big milestone of becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, we offer you the opportunity to host his/her Bar or Bat Mitzvah service at Chabad. We are committed to working with you to create a unique and special Bar/ Bat Mitzvah that will fit the needs of your child and be a most meaningful and memorable experience. Bnei Mitzvah ceremonies that are held in Chabad are meaningful, beautiful and tailor made to suit the needs of your son/daughter and family.


Bar Mitzvah Service for Boys:

We offer various options of Bar Mitzvah services, please email [email protected] for more info or for a copy of our Bar Mitzvah Guide.


Bat Mitzvah Service for Girls:

We strive to make the Bat Mitzvah an inclusive and uplifting experience for the entire family. The Bat Mitzvah girl’s studies are aligned with her personality and help her identify her unique mission as she becomes a Bat Mitzvah. Bat Mitzvah is not a one-time experience, but the beginning of Jewish adulthood and a girl’s personal contribution to the Jewish people and to the world at large.

In addition, we offer the Bat Mitzvah Club program for girls in 6th grade. This internationally acclaimed program for Bat Mitzvah aged girls is fantastic and has met with great success.

The Bat Mitzvah Club program serves to inspire and stimulate its members as they undergo profound physical, emotional, and intellectual changes. The club serves as a forum for discussion and discovery of the true meaning of Bat Mitzvah. It encourages the girls to learn more about this unique time in their lives and to gain new perspectives on their role as women, as adults, and as Jews.

Members enjoy a combination of learning and fun through monthly meetings, special programs, field trips, activities, projects, and involvement in the Jewish community.

We offer various options of Bat Mitzvah services, please email  [email protected] for more info or for a copy of our Bat Mitzvah Guide.